Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

Daily Weather Observations - August 2009

August 2009 Weather Review

Temperatures, rainfall and sunshine were all above average in August.

In a similar vein to July this year, August was an equable month with fairly constant temperatures and no unseasonal extremes. Overall, it was the warmest August in Royston since 2004.

The mean daily maximum temperature in August was 23.0°C, which is 0.6°C above the 30 Year (1976/2005) average. The mean night minimum temperature showed a more positive anomaly, at 13.8°C being 1.1°C above average.

The highest daily maximum temperature recorded in August was 28.5°C on 19th, but just two days later on 21st the lowest daily maximum temperature (19.3°C) of the month occurred. The lowest night minimum temperature in August was 10.0°C on 29th. In contrast the highest night minimum temperature in the month was 17.8°C on 6th. The lowest grass minimum temperature in August was 7.5°C on 29th.

The mean earth temperature at 30 cms depth as observed at 0900 GMT daily was 18.5°C. The highest and lowest earth temperatures in August were 19.4°C on 7th, 12th and 20th, and 17.3°C on 30th respectively.

Although most of August was essentially dry with only 13.8 millimetres rainfall occurring between 7th and 31st, in the statistics it will go down as wet month due to a very heavy rainfall on 6th of 52.4 millimetres. This made 6th the wettest August day in Royston since at least 1972. Unusually for such a heavy rainfall in the Summer months on this occasion the event was not accompanied by any thunder

Total rainfall in August was 77.1 millimetres, which is 155% of the 1971/2000 average. The number of "rain days" (0.2 millimetres or more) in August was 10, with rainfall exceeding 1.0 millimetre on 7 of these days. The wettest day of the month was 6th as indicated above.

Rainfall duration in August was a relatively low 17.7 hours given the monthly total but this is explained by the intense rainfall event on 6th. Thunder was heard on only 1 day (25th) in the month. Significantly this was the 6th consecutive August with above average rainfall.

The second half of August was much sunnier after a rather dull first two weeks. This is illustrated by sunshine for 1st/15th being 70.8 hours, compared with 135.8 hours for the period 16th/31st. Total sunshine for the month was 206.6 hours, which is 111% of the 1971/2000 average.

The sunniest day in August was 23rd with 12.9 hours sunshine. No day in August was completely sunless, although 4th came close with only 5 minutes sunshine. It was the sunniest August in Royston since 2003.

The mean wind speed in August was 6.4 mph, and the maximum wind gust speed recorded was 40 mph on 26th. The highest daily (00/00 GMT) mean wind speed recorded was 11.7 mph on 28th, whilst the lowest daily mean wind speed was 1.9 mph on 8th.

The analysis of wind directions as observed at 0900 GMT daily shows a strong bias to winds between S and W as per the following table: NORTH 3 days, NE 0, E 0, SE 0, S 9, SW 13, W 4, NW 2 and CALM 0.

The mean MSL air pressure in August was 1013.9 mB, which is 3 mB below the 30 Year (1976/2005) average. The highest and lowest air pressure values recorded in the month were 1022.2 mB and 1001.8 mB on 22nd and 31st respectively.

The mean relative humidity in the month was 73.1%. The highest daily (00/00 GMT) mean relative humidity was 89.3% on 7th, whereas the lowest such daily mean value was 56.2% on 23rd. The absolute lowest relative humidity reading in August was 34% at 1630 GMT on 19th and 1515 GMT on 23rd.

Fog (visibility < 1000 metres @ 0900 GMT) was not observed on any day in August.

Summer (June/August) 2009:

It was the warmest, wettest and sunniest Summer since 2006. Each of the Summer months experienced over 200 hours sunshine. The mean daily maximum temperature in Summer was 22.2°C, which is 0.7°C above the 30 Year (1976/2005) average. The mean night minimum temperature in Summer was 0.4°C above average at 12.4°C. Total rainfall in Summer was 203.1 millimetres, which is 142% of average, whilst sunshine of 627.4 hours was 112% of normal.

Richard Barker

Richard Barker

Met. Observer, Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

10th September 2009

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